2016 Freightliner Cascadia 125

Industry Exit- Truck w/ Advertising

Avoid scams. Deal locally and meet in person. Beware of wire transfers, shipping, cashier checks, and deposits. Additional fraud prevention tips


Posted: 828 days ago

Category: Commercial Trucks
Year: 2016
Make: Freightliner
Model: Cascadia 125
Type: Conventional - Sleeper Truck
Condition: Used
Transmission: Automatic
Int. Color: Beige
Ext. Color: Red
Price: $100,000.00
Mileage: 830,000

Seller Information

Georgia 31548
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Exiting Truck Industry. Selling Truck with billboard and instructions. Maintenance and repairs will be provided to serious buyers. Including 2 websites with full control and access including password. www.drive-ck.com and www.beltwayad.com Websites have 6 months hosting left.

Will provide business plan for advertising sign to serious buyer only.

Truck is working truck. Will coordinate viewing and test drive. As is.

New Coolant resivor, all heavy duty brakes, rose, left steer airbag, 1-2k watt inverter, 1-3k watt inverter.

Complete package.

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