2013 Maserati Granturismo Convertible

2013 Maserati GranTurismo Convertible

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Posted: 1066 days ago

Category: Cars & Trucks
Year: 2013
Make: Maserati
Model: Granturismo Convertible
Type: Convertible
Condition: Used
Transmission: Automatic
Int. Color: Tan
Ext. Color: Red
Price: $56,995.00
Mileage: 18,702
Vin: ZAM45MMAXD0070703

Seller Information

La Quinta,
California 92253
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Bought the car from Maserati of Newport Beach when it had 1300 miles on it. Mostly used for road trips to Phoenix and Los Angeles. New AGM battery last summer. New front tires. Great condition and has been problem free. I would keep it but I am moving out of the country. Looks, sounds, and drives awesome.