2013 Chevrolet Volt

2013 Chevrolet Volt

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Posted: 1082 days ago

Category: Cars & Trucks
Year: 2013
Make: Chevrolet
Model: Volt
Type: Hatchback
Condition: Used
Transmission: CVT
Int. Color: Beige
Ext. Color: White
Price: $13,400.00
Mileage: 79,000

Seller Information

Saint Petersburg,
Florida 33707
Have a vehicle to sell? Sell Fast and Free


Commute less than 20 miles? = stop buying GAS!!!

Drives nice, clean

14 months/21000 miles left on battery warranty with Chevrolet

Comes with car charger, spare tire and jack(not std on a volt), gas can, cellphone holder, tire repair kit

I am second owner, no accidents, sold as is.