2007 Chevrolet Equinox

2007 Chevy Equinox 245,00 miles parts or repair only

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Posted: 836 days ago

Category: Cars & Trucks
Year: 2007
Make: Chevrolet
Model: Equinox
Condition: Used
Transmission: Automatic
Int. Color: Gray
Ext. Color: Blue
Price: $750.00
Mileage: 245,797

Seller Information

Kansas City,
Missouri 64123
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NOT SUITABLE TO DRIVE- Must be able to tow for parts/repair at own expense.

2007 Chevy Equinox, 245,797 miles, for sale by owner

Needs: front/rear breaks, jumpstart battery (semi-new) and further mechanical evaluation. All new tires in 2019, new battery 2020, regular oil changes and maintenance. Passed inspection in Jan 2022. 

Engine has been working fine, it's been a great adventure car but we are ready for an upgrade due to high mileage and new brakes needed. 

This would be a great car for parts or a starter car. $750 OBO. Willing to negotiate, want sold ASAP. Must be able to tow at own expense. Serious inquiries only!