2006 Honda CR-V 4wd 5dr Ex-l

2006 Honda crv x 350 Like new

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Posted: 1269 days ago

Category: Cars & Trucks
Year: 2006
Make: Honda
Model: CR-V
Trim: 4wd 5dr Ex-l
Type: SUV
Condition: Used
Transmission: Automatic
Int. Color: Tan
Ext. Color: White
Price: $997.00
Mileage: 86,666

Seller Information

Los Angeles,
California 90004
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Exterior looks excellent and has been well cared for,This was bought as a car for our teenage daughter, and it was perfect for what she needed.
While the outside looks great, the interior looks very much like a teenager drove it :)contact at  dagnypadgett@gmail___com