2003 Chevrolet 1500

2003 Chevy Suburban great condition

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Posted: 1188 days ago

Category: Cars & Trucks
Year: 2003
Make: Chevrolet
Model: 1500
Type: SUV
Condition: Used
Transmission: Automatic
Int. Color: Gray
Ext. Color: Blue
Price: $5,000.00
Mileage: 209,000
Vin: 1GNEC16T13J153979

Seller Information

California 92878
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Old reliable family car.  One owner, no accidents.  Does have wear and tear  on it, but otherwise in good condition.  Have maintained the engine well.  Recently, new catalytic converter.  Water pump replaced on 12/5/2019.  Alternator, front and back shocks, arm bushingsreplaced on 11/2017. Has always passed smog with no problem.  Fuel pump replaced in 2015 and also new transmission in 2015.  I have all records.  It has been well taken care of.