2001 Jeep Cherokee 4dr Sport 4wd

Moving Must Sell

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Posted: 213 days ago

Category: Cars & Trucks
Year: 2001
Make: Jeep
Model: Cherokee
Trim: 4dr Sport 4wd
Condition: Used
Transmission: Automatic
Int. Color: Black
Ext. Color: Blue
Price: $6,000.00
Mileage: 180,000

Seller Information

Kentucky 40701
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Moving out of the US so I'm offering both of my 2001 Jeep Cherokees up for $6000 total.

Great first cars/project. It needs to be moved off the property easily vs in a heap. Obviously one is a junk/part jeep. Will sell separately but will not part out the junker. I simply don't have the time to do so while preparing to move.

Blue Jeep is the daily driver. No known issues. Checked fuses, engines good, no interior smell like pet or cigarette smoke etc. Clean title. Has 180k miles roughly on her. Paid off. Will sell separately for $5500.

Tan jeep has rough country lift and bull bar/bumper, LED headlights and light bar. Engine has 100k miles on it, I purchased this jeep for its engine alone but all it's missing I believe is the flywheel. Has a severed brake line, and the starter is out. New stereo but unsure if it works. Will sell separately for $1000 (lift kit, bull bar, light bar,engine runs clean) and as you can see it will need to be towed. Will roll just fine onto a roll back. Has stock tires with good tread. Located in Corbin, KY.