1999 Toyota Land Cruiser 4wd 4dr

Toyota Landcruiser

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Posted: 1142 days ago

Category: Cars & Trucks
Year: 1999
Make: Toyota
Model: Land Cruiser
Trim: 4wd 4dr
Type: SUV
Condition: Used
Transmission: Automatic
Int. Color: Tan
Ext. Color: White
Price: $13,900.00
Mileage: 335,000

Seller Information

Mississippi 38611
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Radiator, fan, battery, alternator, multipoint inspection by Toyota along with fixing of oil leak, passenger and driver front upper control arm replaced, both lower ball joints, wheel seal bearing case and wheel bearing (left rear), left rear axle bearing seal hardware all less than 1 year old. Timing belt, water pump, tensioner and idler pulleys, air compressor all a little over 1 year old. Vehicle in good shape considering the miles. Clean. Third row seats not shown but do have. No rips or tears in them. Please call John at 662-404-5725 with any questions