1969 Chevrolet Chevelle SS

1969 Chevrolet Chevelle SS396

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Posted: 1317 days ago

Category: Classic & Vintage
Year: 1969
Make: Chevrolet
Model: Chevelle
Trim: SS
Condition: Used
Transmission: Manual
Int. Color: Red
Ext. Color: Red
Price: $13,750.00
Mileage: 39,000
Vin: 136379Z362124

Seller Information

Indiana 46151
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Equipment includes American Racing 17? wheels, power-assisted front disc brakes, aluminum cylinder heads, a Holley 670cfm carburetor, tubular headers, a dual exhaust system, twin electric fans, a Tuff Stuff alternator, a March serpentine-belt conversion, LED lighting, power steering, Vintage Air climate control, and an aftermarket AM/FM/CD stereo.