1966 Chevrolet Chevy Ii Nova

Great looking red Nova

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Posted: 628 days ago

Category: Classic & Vintage
Year: 1966
Make: Chevrolet
Model: Chevy Ii
Trim: Nova
Condition: Used
Transmission: Automatic
Int. Color: Black
Ext. Color: Red
Price: $55,000.00
Mileage: 78,673
Vin: 115376n135614

Seller Information

Missouri 65738
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This a really nice Nova. It has a crate engine from Blue Print with only1000 mi. on it.It was painted 3 years ago. the seats were recovered last year. has a lot of new parts. New stnls gas tank, new alum radiator with dual electric fans, new starter ,alternator, rebuilt th350 trans, Ididit steering column and powersteering. It would be good for cruises and car shows.It gets good comments when I show it. They say," cleanest engine compartment here," great looking car".