1964 Chevrolet Bel-air

One Owner

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Posted: 861 days ago

Category: Classic & Vintage
Year: 1964
Make: Chevrolet
Model: Bel-air
Condition: Used
Transmission: Automatic
Int. Color: Tan
Ext. Color: White
Price: $1,500.00
Mileage: 81,453

Seller Information

Idaho 83709
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1964 Chevrolet Bel air 4 door post. Needs full restoration, Has been in family since new 283 V-8 - 2 barrel carb .powerglide, no power steering, no AC. Last ran in 1986, don't know if engine is free,. Is solid car other than Trunk floor pan needs to be replaced ( new floor pan around $200-$500 ), headliner is gone, dent top left front fender. This car was in storage in southern California since 1992, some damage was done while in storage, Sold new in Salt Lake City, moved to southern California in 1965, was parents car.was running when put in storage but had piston rod knock . Asking $1,500.00 , NO TRADES. NO PARTING OUT I am too old to restore it. GOOD CAR TO RESTORE OR CUSTOM. Buyer has to make shipping/pickup arrangements.