1950 Ford Coupe Chrome

husband died, need to sell car

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Posted: 1368 days ago

Category: Classic & Vintage
Year: 1950
Make: Ford
Model: Coupe
Trim: Chrome
Condition: Certified Pre-Owned
Transmission: Manual
Int. Color: Red
Ext. Color: Black
Price: $20,000.00
Mileage: 45,752
Vin: B0LB104304

Seller Information

Utah 84341
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Neighbor's husband died2 year ago.  He purchased this car in 1994 and spend much time working on it.  Has new flathead v8 engine with Edelbrock heads and 2-carb Offenhouser intake manifold.  Cam is high performance.  Most everything under the hood is new and much of wheels, shocks, and drive train.  Wife would like to get back some of money spent.  Car overheats when driven any distance due to more powerful engine.  Problem is fixable for one with know how.  Body condition, paint, chrome excellent.  Chrome and paint are new.