1938 Chevrolet Master SEDAN

1938 Chevy Master Sedan Street Rod

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Posted: 332 days ago

Category: Classic & Vintage
Year: 1938
Make: Chevrolet
Model: Master
Condition: Used
Transmission: Automatic
Int. Color: Gray
Ext. Color: Orange
Price: $33,000.00
Mileage: 7,500

Seller Information

Camp Hill,
Pennsylvania 17011
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'38 Chevy 2-door sedan, fiberglass fenders/running boards, GM 350 ci, 290 hp crate engine with 7500 miles, Th400 automatic transmission total rebuild with 1,000 miles +/-, '57 rear 3:08 ratio, power steering, A/C, Truespoke wheels 15" rear 14" front, front disc brakes, 20 gallon fuel cell.  33K. Stan 717-579-3912.