1934 Ford 3 Window

1934 Ford Three-window street rod

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Posted: 749 days ago

Category: Classic & Vintage
Year: 1934
Make: Ford
Model: 3 Window
Condition: Used
Transmission: Automatic
Int. Color: Red
Ext. Color: Black
Price: $35,000.00
Mileage: 15,700
Vin: 18631014

Seller Information

Mount Joy,
Pennsylvania 17552
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We are 5th owner of this 1934 Ford three-window street rod. With a fiberglass body and suicide doors, it looks and feels like the original 1934 car. It has a 383 Stroker small block, 440 HP, engine, 650 Edelbrock carb, aluminum radiator, electric fan, air conditioning, and electric power steering. Equipped with AM/FM radio and red cloth interior.