1932 Ford Hot Rod Roadster

Award winning Hot Rod - 32 Highboy

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Posted: 369 days ago

Category: Classic & Vintage
Year: 1932
Make: Ford
Model: Hot Rod
Trim: Roadster
Condition: Used
Transmission: Automatic
Int. Color: Gray
Ext. Color: White
Price: $27,500.00
Mileage: 1,234

Seller Information

South Carolina 29676
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Custom Award Winning 1932 Highboy Hot Rod. Body is a custom built fiberglass with a steel internal structure. Phoenix Engine Builders 350 Chevy Motor. 350 THM Transmission. Ford 9” 325 :1 gear ration. Bear Claw Latches. RM 3 Stage Pearl White Paint. Custom interior. This car would cost over $75K to build today. Build was completed in 2010, but still wins at local shows. Excellent car to take to the next level. Sorry, no trades and price is firm.